8 Reasons You Should Switch to Wool Dryer Balls

Wool dryer balls - the greatest thing to happen to laundry since the invention of the washer and dryer! I love finding eco-friendly products to keep my home and family happy and healthy.  Laundry products are a big area where your choices can impact not only your and your family's health but the environment too. ... Continue Reading →

Easy, Elegant Mushroom Soup – Plus a Bonus Recipe

When you hear "Mushroom Soup" you probably think of the over-salty, strangely gloppy stuff in a can.  Homemade Mushroom Soup isn't much more work than popping open a can, but the reward for your time spent is sky high.  This easy Mushroom Soup blows the doors off the canned stuff and delivers instant comfort.  It's... Continue Reading →

10 Ways to Make (and Keep) the Holidays Happy

The Holidays (and by that I mean Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years) really are "the most wonderful time of the year".  But more often than not they are a festival of stress, anxiety, debt, busyness and self-inflicted drama. I understand why the Holidays can be lonely times, or sad when someone close has passed away... Continue Reading →

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